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Pre-ordering recreational or medical cannabis is a safe and easy way to make a quick visit to one of our locations. We’ll take you through the process.

Go to our website at

Choose the store location where you’re planning to place your order. Be sure you choose the right location between MEDICAL and RECREATIONAL.

Pre-Order Cart


  • Use the filtering options on the menu to sort through flower, concentrates, edibles, and other categories listed on our menu.
  • Add items to your cart. Once you’ve hit the state purchase limit (or any internal limits), the cart will prevent you from adding any more products to your cart.
  • When you’re done, click the check-out button
Pre-Order Checkout


  • If it’s your first time, enter in all of the information requested, making sure it matches what’s on your identification cards
    • If you want to create an account click “save my info for next time”
  • If you’ve created an account, use your login information to log into your account
    • If it says you already have an account, you may have created one when placing an order at a different dispensary. Just use the “forgot your password” option to reset your account.
    • If you are a medical patient, be sure you include your patient information
  • When checking out, be sure you select a time slot for pick-up. Time slots help us safely manage and spread out guests at our locations.
  • Payment is not processed over this platform; you can pay via cash or debit when you come to pick up your order.
Pre-Order Text Confirmation


  • Once the order is placed, you will receive a message stating,
    • “Your Theory Wellness order has been confirmed and is being prepared. Your selected pick-up time is today between XX:XX – XX:XX.”
  • When the order has been filled, you will receive a text confirmation stating,
    • “Your Theory Wellness order is ready to be picked up today between XX:XX -XX:XX! We’ll see you then!”
  • We ask that you do not arrive before your appointment and prior to receiving the pick-up text


If you ever need product recommendations, reach out to us via the chat feature on our website, or via email at [email protected]. Our Customer Service team is available from 9 AM – 6 PM and will get back to you within 24 hours. 

Theory Wellness Spectrum



  • As you add items to your cart, it will prevent you from adding more than the state allotment per site.
    • There are times when we may impose certain internal limits on products based on inventory. Your cart will prevent you from adding more than that limit.
  • Throughout the day, we may turn off pre-ordering to manage the high volume of orders we receive. If you are not able to place an order, please check back again soon.


  • If you are taken to a confirmation page, that means we have an order for you. Please refrain from placing multiple orders as it clogs up the system and takes away pre-order slots from other people.
  • Please be sure you received a confirmation message (via email or SMS) that your order went through. It should say, “Your Theory Wellness order has been confirmed and is being prepared. Your selected pick-up time is today between XX:XX – XX:XX.” This is a time slot of YOUR choosing based on what you see available on the website; it is not assigned to you.
  • If you still haven’t received that second text and it is already past your pick-up time, you can get in the line and let our staff know you are waiting on a delayed order.
  • Please do not text us asking about the status of your order as we are not able to answer. If you created an account, you can log into to see the status of your order.


  • Please be sure you have a valid 21+ ID with you when coming to pick up your order. For our medical locations, please make sure you also bring your medical card.
  • You cannot pick up someone else’s order, even if they belong in the same household.
  • Please be sure you have the Ready for Pickup confirmation text to show our security guards.
  • We only accept CASH, DEBIT, and Dutchie Pay. We do not accept Credit Cards, Apple Pay, Google Pay, or Venmo.
    • We can accept CANPAY for medical patients in Massachusetts.
    • We cannot accept Dutchie Pay in Sherwood, OH.
    • There are ATMs on site at all of the stores except Bridgewater.

Customer service response times may be delayed—we appreciate your patience and apologize for any inconvenience.